Breaking News! Patio Service and Expansions Support Safe Reopening for Hospitality Sector Inbox

Good Morning,

We are pleased to report that the BC Government has announced this morning its plan to further support businesses in their reopening efforts. “With recovery and reopening efforts underway, it is critical that licensees are supported in their needs to adhere to the Provincial Health Officer’s (PHO) direction and recommendations. In response to industry concerns and to provide urgent support for B.C.’s licensed establishments in safely reopening for business, the LCRB has taken swift action to implement Policy Directive 20-13 which authorizes food primary, liquor primary and manufacturer licensees (such as wineries, breweries and distilleries) to temporarily expand their service area footprint until October 31, 2020.”

Full Release

LCRB has also implemented a simplified online application process for the authorization of temporary expansions to service areas. Eligible licensees may apply for a Temporary Expanded Service Area Authorization by visiting the online application portal. There are no fees associated with these temporary expansion applications.

These temporary authorizations are focused on expanding a licensed service area’s footprint only and will not permit an increase in an establishment’s overall occupancy. This will allow the LCRB to expedite approvals while mitigating any public safety risks or local government requirements. Licensees must comply with all local bylaws, and health and fire regulations, and acquire any necessary permits. Liquor primary and manufacturer licensees must also receive the approval of their local government.

Attached is Policy Directive 20-13 and the updated terms and conditions manufacturers handbook for your review on Page 16-17.

LCRB – Temporary Expanded Service Area Authorization


This positive change is in direct response to the advocacy work of the Business Technical Advisory Panel, as well as the BC Craft Brewers Guild, and our industry partners ABLE BC, BCRFA, and BC Wine Institute. BC Craft Brewers Guild greatly appreciates the ongoing work of Attorney General David Eby, his staff, and the LCRB to support our industry in this time of crisis.

Please contact me directly with any comments, questions or concerns: