Backroads Brewing Company

  • Brewer: Mike Kelly
  • Established: 2017
At 1300 sq. ft, our taproom has a modest capacity of 100 patrons. The room was designed to evoke a cozy, backcountry cabin feel, just like those found up in the backroads of Nelson. In the warmer seasons, we open up the front patio for another 20 people to enjoy our beer right on Baker Street. All our beer is brewed in our small, 8-hectolitre brewing system, complete with seven fermenters and sixteen conditioning/serving tanks. Small batches and frequent brewing mean we have the flexibility to make a variety of styles and keep things fresh. We’re all about local: the wood in our taproom is sourced from local mills & forests, our custom-made furniture and fixtures were fabricated by local metal workers, local art hangs on the walls — even most of the Backroads-branded gear in our retail area is designed and created in the region. Check out their new location in Osoyoos!
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